Decon 90 Detergent: Berikut adalah penjelasan fungsi dan manfaat serta spesifikasinya. The leading surface active cleaning agent/radioactive decontaminant, for laboratory, medical and industrial applications.
NOT suitable for domestic applications.
Package 5L dalam bentuk cairan konsentrat, pengenceran dengan air sebelum pemakaian. Untuk pencucian manual, atau untuk pemakaian pada ultrasonic cleaning bath.
Biodegradable *, phosphate-free, Bactericidal **, non-flammable and totally rinsable.
Berikut adalah ciri-ciri fisik decon 90:
Milky white, non-viscous liquid, having faint odour.
Berikut adalah penjelasan metode atau cara pemakaiannya:
Prepare a 2% to 5% solution of Decon 90 with water†.
Fully immerse the items to be cleaned and soak for 2 to 24 hours, depending upon the degree and tenacity of the soiling.
Problem contaminants can be treated by increasing the solution strength.
Cleaning time can be reduced by heating the solution (40°C to 50°C) or using in an ultrasonic cleaning bath.
The cleaned items must be rinsed thoroughly as soon as they are removed from the cleaning solution, and dried. We recommend three agitated rinses in water† to ensure removal of all traces of contamination and cleaning agent.
Berikut adalah macam-macam package Decon 90, kami hanya menyediakan kemasan jerigen 5 Liter:
Supplied in 1 litre, 5 litre and 20 litre high density polyethylene containers, with “tamper-evident”, screw-on caps.
Berikut adalah aplikasi pemakaian Decon 90 Detergent:
For cleaning and/or decontaminating glassware, ceramics, rubbers, plastics, stainless steel and ferrous metals.
Being alkaline, DECON 90 is NOT suitable for use on non-ferrous metals, notably aluminium and zinc, or on polycarbonate.
Berikut adalah formulasi yang terkandung dalam Decon 90:
An emulsion of anionic and non-ionic surface active agents, stabilising agents, non-phosphate detergent builders, alkalis and sequestering agents, in an aqueous base.
Decon 90 does NOT contain Phosphates, Enzymes, EDTA/NTA or Chlorine Bleaches.
SINONIM: Decon 90 Detergent
Deterjen Pembersih Laboratorium | Sabun Pencuci Decon | Decon Cleaning Agent | Cairan Pembersih
Produk ini dapat kami supply ke kota-kota seluruh indonesia antara lain: Jual Decon 90 Kota Jakarta, Jual Decon 90 Kota Bogor, Jual Decon 90 Kota Tangerang, Jual Decon 90 Kota Bandung, Jual Decon 90 Kota Bekasi, Jual Decon 90 Kota Purwokerto, Jual Decon 90 Kota Semarang, Jual Decon 90 Kota Magelang, Jual Decon 90 Kota Yogyakarta Jogja, Jual Decon 90 Kota Solo, Jual Decon 90 Kota Malang, Jual Decon 90 Kota Surabaya, Jual Decon 90 Kota Bali Denpasar, Jual Decon 90 Kota Batam, Jual Decon 90 Kota Medan, Jual Decon 90 Kota Palembang, Jual Decon 90 Kota Lampung, Jual Decon 90 Kota Samarinda, Jual Decon 90 Kota Makasar, Jual Decon 90 Kota Balikpapan.
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